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MotoGP, Quartararo reckons the Ducatis are more of a problem than the absence of Vinales

“Racing twice in a row in Austria is a disadvantage and I have no confidence in the wet. Maverick? I know what needs to be done to develop the Yamaha "

MotoGP: Quartararo reckons the Ducatis are more of a problem than the absence of Vinales

Fabio Quartararo had to spend much of Friday playing catch-up at the Red Bull Ring. On a day characterized by bad weather, the French rider had to settle for the sixth time, a full second behind Zarco's Ducati. Austria is certainly not El Diablo's favourite track and he does not hide the fact, clearly admitting the superiority shown by Ducati.

"This morning I made some changes to the M1, but it was difficult with the soft tire to have the right stability and grip that the medium offers - he analysed – In the wet, the situation becomes more complicated, especially in the straight up to the corner entry. I have no confidence, we are working to find it, as it is complicated. In fact, I'm looking for something that makes me more competitive, with the electronics, to avoid wearing out the tire too quickly ".

Fabio is aware that there are a lot of difficulties to resolve…

“Today I wanted to avoid mistakes, in fact I didn't take any risks when the track started to dry out. For sure, if this situation happens again in the race, I will take them, since the race is another thing. Unfortunately, for me, having two races in a row in Austria is a disadvantage. All the other Ducatis have improved, and none of the riders have my data to compare ”.

Fabio then continued on the subject of Ducati…

“We have last week's data to look at. On that occasion I made a good flying lap and had a good pace in the race. The problem now will be to make up the gap with Ducati ”.

As if that were not enough, now in the garage he is also alone, a subject he played down however…

"The absence of Vinales is not a problem, as I want to stay focused on myself. Furthermore, during the year, we do not have many things to develop. And in case I know what needs to be done to develop the bike. On the question of Maverick, however, ask Yamaha, they know more than I do ”.

In Austria Quartararo will have to do a defensive race…

“Compared to the past, now I have more experience and I try to manage things better. Last year I was stressed thinking about the world championship but now I think race by race and everything is going for the best ".


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