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MotoGP, Signs of tension easing between Paolo Campinoti and Marc Marquez

The eight-time world champion and Pramac's team principal crossed paths in the paddock just hours after Marquez's statements regarding Ducati's satellite team option

MotoGP: Signs of tension easing between Paolo Campinoti and Marc Marquez

A few hours after yesterday's statements by Marc Marquez, in which he declined the possibility of joining the Pramac team in 2025, our Spanish colleague, Mela Chercoles, from AS, came across one of the most significant images of the day. The serene and relaxed encounter between the eight-time world champion, in team Gresini colors, and Prima Pramac team owner Paolo Campinoti. The team principal of the Ducati satellite team  affectionately patted the Spanish rider's cheek, but we have no idea what they said to each other. Judging by their expressions and smiles, we can only guess that they exchanged words of respect and conciliation.

Marquez's statement - which came quite unexpectedly after his previous one in which he said that the colors of his next bike didn't interest him ,as long as it was a factory bike - exacerbated an already tense situation in Ducati. In fact, Borgo Panigale's announcement on the decision regarding the second factory bike, along with Bagnaia's, which has already been confirmed, should arrive any day now, between the Mugello and Assen GPs. A decision that is currently keeping the entire riders market in suspense.


Translated by Leila Myftija

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