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MotoGP, Fast by Prosecco Mandalika, Pernat: “It wasn’t Bagnaia but Martín under pressure”

Carlo Pernat’s comment at the end of the Mandalika race weekend in Indonesia and, as usual, with an excellent bottle of Prosecco Doc

MotoGP, Fast by Prosecco Mandalika, Pernat: “It wasn’t Bagnaia but Martín under pressure”

The stage of the Indonesian MotoGP was really exciting. Jorge Martìn dominated the Sprint Race and seemed to be heading for an extension in the championship, also given the problems Pecco Bagnaia had in qaulifying. But, in the Grand Prix, things went differently, because Jorge made a mistake while leading solo and threw away an almost certain victory. The reigning champion obviously took advantage of it and was right back in the lead of the World Championship standings, proving that he didm't falter under pressure. 

Our Carletto Pernat gives us his account of what happened during the weekend in Indonesia, of course, with an excellent bottle of Prosecco Doc, which was definitely a relief from the scorching hot temperatures in Mandalika!

They said Bagnaia was under pressure, but Martin was apparently the rider who was. His fall was very stupid. I believe that even the wrong choice of tires played a role in this mistake. Many riders chose the wrong ones. Today was a race for the hard compound. Most chose the medium. Those with the soft had problems. Aleix Espargarò also chose both soft tires! Martin had a soft front and a medium rear. With this heat, choosing the soft one entailed too many risks. Pecco and Enea chose the right tire. Vinales defended himself as long as he could with the mediums but, in the end, he felt the tire wear. Bagnaia restored his leadership, proving his level. Martin’s zero is acceptable. Pecco had five during the season. Quartararo’s third place is also excellent!

Good for him, especially considering what his teammate did. His race has, once again, shown us his talent. He’s pushing Yamaha to receive a more competitive bike next season. An unrecognizable Marquez. A fall that’s not suitable for a champion like him. Also, two other Italian riders achieved surprising results. Fabio Di Giannantonio’s race was excellent, and he now understands his MotoGP. Even better was Bastianini’s comeback who, after being pushed out by Marquez, also got a long lap penalty. He lost 14 seconds, he was 12 behind Bagnaia at the end. He could’ve fought for the podium. He also did the fastest lap of the race. It’s a real shame for Martin. The pressure got to him. The championship is still open.

Finally, a negative comment about Binder, who hit two riders and was rightly sanctioned. An interesting season, to the end, fought between Pecco and Martin, unless they start to fall often, giving way to Bezzecchi, but I hardly see it possible.

You have no idea how hot and humid it is here in Mandalika, Indonesia. I saw Indonesians walking around with Prosecco. They were very happy, and I’ll do the same, because I deserve it. It really gave me some vigor, but it’s not over yet. I’m definitely going to enjoy a few more glasses with some crepes in my hotel tonight. Cheers with Prosecco Doc. Wherever you go, it’ll always give you something good. Cheers!”


Translated by Leila Myftija

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