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MotoGP, LIVE Bar Sport at 7:30 p.m. - Le Mans increases Ducati's headache!

VIDEO - The poker of Martìn, Marquez, Bagnaia and Bastianini is a great success for Ducati, but the choice becomes increasingly complicated. We talk about it with Carlo Pernat, get your questions ready

MotoGP, LIVE Bar Sport at 7:30 p.m. - Le Mans increases Ducati's headache!

The French Grand Prix in Le Mans produced a fantastic poker for Ducati, with Jorge Martìn triumphing ahead of Marc Marquez, Pecco Bagnaia and Enea Bastianini. It was a memorable Sunday indeed, but the thing is that that this Sunday will only increase the headache of those who will have to choose the new rider to be placed in 2025 alongside Bagnaia, a choice that becomes increasingly difficult for Dall'Igna & Co.

But tonight we will also talk about a fantastic race, with three very strong riders who fought for the victory until the last lap, with amazing comebacks and also mistakes that were probably decisive, such as that of Bastianini who due to a long lap penalty lost the chance to fight for the podium despite having the best pace of the lot. Aprilia placed Vinales in 5th, while the best KTM was that of Binder, 8th after a great comeback from 22nd on the grid. Too bad about Acosta's crash at the beginning of the race, with Pedro looking like he could at least fight for the podium today.

Our LIVE will be broadcast at 7:30 pm on our YouTube channel, our Facebook page and our Twitch channel. So remember the appointment, prepare your questions and Stay Tuned!


Translated by Julian Thomas

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