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MotoGP, Bezzecchi: “Marquez? A very dirty accident, that’s his style”

Marco Bezzecchi went ballistic over a contact with Marc Marquez on the first lap: “He says he didn’t see me. No one will ever do anything to him. I would’ve at least expected a penalty.”

MotoGP: Bezzecchi: “Marquez? A very dirty accident, that’s his style”

Marco Bezzecchi’s last race of the season lasted barely three corners. At the Ricardo Tormo in Valencia, the Mooney VR46 Racing Team Ducati rider fell in the general excitement of the first lap following a contact caused by Marc Marquez. The television footage didn’t show anything regarding the dynamics, if not fleetingly in the initial phase (see opening photo).

Bezzecchi’s (angry) state of mind when he appears to speak with journalists post-race is eloquent and understandable: “He did the same in Thailand, when he hit me from behind. Unfortunately, this time the impact was a little stronger, and I went down,” #72 explained. “I hit my left foot and shoulder, so now both shoulders aren’t at their best. His riding style doesn’t need many explanations … A very, very dirty accident. That’s how Marquez is, and no one will ever do anything to him.

The rider from Rimini doesn’t mince words, even with Race Direction, for not having penalized his future brand partner: “They investigated but, in the end, they didn’t reach a decision. They’re always racing accidents for them. Today, Marquez did it with me while, yesterday, he took a big risk with Martin and, fortunately, nothing happened. Again, in Thailand with me, in France with Bagnaia. When no one falls, it’s fine, but when you throw another rider to the ground, you should at least give a bloody penalty. Today, Binder attempted a risky overtake (ed. on Alex Marquez), and then had to do a long lap penalty. (ed. For the record: Bezzecchi got confused. Binder simply had to give up his position) That’s how it should be. He knocked me down at the third corner of a 27-lap race I would’ve expected a penalty ... .”

At the end of the race, he tried to confront all those directly involved: “I tried both with the stewards and with Carlos Ezpeleta (ed. MotoGP Executive Director), even if they didn’t want to. Then I went to Marc’s motorhome. We talked, and I asked him the reason for this maneuver. He told me he didn’t seen me ... That’s not at all possible!

Despite today’s zero, Bez was already certain of a 3rd place in the championship, from where they’ll start again, in order to lay solid foundations and face the upcoming season as protagonists: “It’s definitely a great result for me and the team. I was hoping and aiming to end the year in the best way possible. Unfortunately, Marc took that away from me. In any case, I took home three wins in the long race, one in the Sprint, and another nine podiums. I was injured and, on the way back to the track, I immediately got on the podium (ed. in the Sprint in Indonesia). I guess I can be satisfied.”


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