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MotoGP, Lorenzo: Surprised by my progress

"Marquez and Rossi have a pace similar to mine, the Ducati has something more but we have gotten much closer"

Lorenzo: Surprised by my progress

Up to yesterday, he seemed like the Lorenzo from the last few races, the one trying to navigate through foggy seas with a broken compass. Today on the other hand, Jorge took the Red Bull Ring by the horns and missed the front row by less than a hundredth of a second.

Am I surprised? Not so much by the position as by my time - he admits – I managed to lap a second faster than the tests and I am just a few tenths behind Ducati. Better than I had hoped.

Can you tell us how you did it?
With the heat I am better. I regained confidence and speed in the corners. I am very happy with my lap and the progress. I rode the way I normally do.

Did you think about the front row?
When I looked at the clock, yes, but Valentino did a great lap and so did the two Andreas.

It’s time to think about the race …
The past few days the Ducatis have consistently managed to maintain the best pace, but we have gotten close. I must admit that they seem to have something more, but we have made incredible progress. The higher temperatures have helped us.

Who will your rivals be?
Valentino and Marquez have a pace that is very similar to mine.

What do you think of Marc’s crash?
He falls a lot and when you do that, there is always a chance something can happen, but he seems to be made of rubber. Fortunately he did not touch Dani. A few centimetres and something worse could have happened.

Translated by Jonathan Blosser

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