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MotoGP, Marquez: "Bagnaia didn't say 'welcome' to me, but a handshake is enough for me"

"Do I help sell more than Martin? Of course, it's normal. Many riders deserve the official bike, but in sports you have to be selfish and think about yourself. Red Bull? I'd like it to stay, but it's not up to me, I'm only thinking now about the best sporting situation."  

MotoGP: Marquez:

Ducati's present, future and near past intersected in the first of two press conferences staged this afternoon in Assen, where the two future teammates, Francesco Bagnaia and Marc Marquez, sat next to championship leader Jorge Martin, who will leave Ducati after losing the runoff to the eight-time World Champion. Starting with the latest market news, Marc could not hide all his happiness at the move to the official Ducati team, whose colors he will wear starting in 2025.

"Of course, I'm super happy and very thankful to Ducati for choosing me as an official rider and teammate to Pecco, especially as one year ago here I was close to ending my career but luckily it was the summer break and I recharged the batteries and body. Then, from that point I decided on another way," he said, "In those decisions, thanks to Honda at the same time because they understood my decision to go to Gresini, where I felt and understood immediately that it was possible to have that feeling of confidence. The atmosphere of the team was perfect to revive a rider that was in some way lost. From that point I tried to do my best, and I was one of the contenders for the official Ducati bike. I just gave my 100% on the track and then on Sunday evening in Mugello they decided that I would be the rider and in two days we finished the contract. Super happy, but still a long season to go and I want to give my best for Gresini, which is a very good and professional team."

The days leading up to the announcement of his signing do not seem to have been particularly difficult for the rider from Cervera, who was aware that he would in any case achieve the goal he had set for himself when he decided to leave Honda.

"On Wednesday in Mugello they were still thinking about the decision so I was comfortable. I was honest about what I wanted, I wanted the latest bike in Gresini or in the official team and they chose me in the official team,"pointed out the eldest of the Marquez brothers, who would not have minded continuing with Nadia Padovani's team either. "Having an official bike from Gresini was one of the two scenarios in which I felt very comfortable, but this path, for some reason, was not possible and could not be realized, but it would still have been a good option for me because I am very comfortable with the team - he admitted - in the end I will go to the Lenovo Ducati team and this makes me even more happy, because the target of a rider is to be in the official team. To wear the red suit next year will be a pleasure and I will try to defend the colors with the maximum effort."

The Spaniard's goal, after all, has always been to be next season in the best possible condition to fight for the title.

"My plan was this and it has been concluded. I never denied that this was a rebuilding year for me, and if then the victories don't come it will be because I didn't succeed, but I will have tried. I will try to do my best in every race, but the plan was to do a transitional 2024 to regain confidence, to get to know a new bike and feel competitive again, and then arrive in 2025 in the official Ducati team and be obliged to fight for the title," explained the 31-year-old, who, commenting on the ripple effect triggered by his signing, added: "I got what I was looking for, I don't care about others. In sports, many times you have to be selfish; and yes, poor guy, he deserved it, yes, yes. Many people deserve it, but you have to think about yourself and give 100 percent."

Asked then how much marketing reasons weighed on the choice of Borgo Panigale's top management, Marc replied, "Do I sell more bikes than Jorge Martin? Yes, of course. It's normal. You have to ask the people in Ducati if that influenced them. I talked to Gigi Dall'Igna, who came to me after the race - I think that was the moment when they informed both Jorge and me - he came to my motorhome and said, 'Looking at your performance with the 2023 bike, we decided that the factory job should be yours, because you can bring a lot to the team. I will try to do my best both this year and next."

As for the relationship with Bagnaia, it doesn't look like the two future teammates plan to start forming friendships anytime soon. Or at least, not following each other on social media anytime either.

"First of all, I'll try to follow him on the track and then on Instagram ," said a smiling Marc, who, speaking of his first meeting with Pecco after the announcement of his move to the Rossa, added laughingly, "He didn't exactly say 'welcome,' but he let me know... Even a handshake is fine with me!"

It is hard to say whether the Spaniard will continue to work with his current chief technician next year, but Marquez has one certainty about who will follow him to the factory team .

"The chief technician is a decision that depends on Ducati because I will arrive in the best team, with the best bike on the grid, so I know that Dall'Igna and the Ducati staff will give me the best men to help me make the most of this opportunity. The only person I have asked to follow me is Javi Ortiz, who is a trusted person and who I brought with me from Honda to Gresini, but the rest of the team will be decided by Ducati," he said.

Will Red Bull, on the other hand, leave the Spaniard or continue to sponsor him? "It is no longer in my hands. At this point in my sporting career, like last year, when I gave up a lot, I'm looking for the best in sporting terms, without looking at the rest," he acknowledged. "Of course, I would like to continue with Red Bull, which is a sponsor that has been with me since 2008, but it's not up to me."

Putting the future aside for a moment, Marc then talked about what awaits him this weekend in the Netherlands, where he arrives in the wake of seven consecutive podiums between Grand Prix and Sprint races.

"The goal will once again be to stay close to Bagnaia and Martin, who every weekend are the fastest riders. This break was good for us to recharge our batteries and now we have two consecutive weekends, Assen and the Sachsenring, where we will try to start well on Friday, without suffering too much, and then to stay as close as possible to the leaders," he said. "Of course, we will do our best and I feel like we have a very good package: we are working very well with the team and we feel the support from Ducati. The guy to beat here is Pecco, because he won the last two years here and is always very fast at Assen, but Jorge was the fastest one last year. So let's see if we can but I have enough tools to do it. I need to improve my skills."


Translated by Julian Thomas

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