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MotoGP, Morbidelli: “My future? There’s nothing certain right now.”

Franco didn’t take a position on 2024 in Pramac: “By process of elimination, someone will get the remaining bikes.”  About the Barcelona GP: “It gives me confidence that Quartararo was competitive here a year ago.”

MotoGP: Morbidelli: “My future? There’s nothing certain right now.”

It was confirmed yesterday that Marco Bezzecchi will remain in the VR46 team for another year. At this point, a Ducati from the Pramac team (the one left by Zarco, who’ll  be going to Honda in the LCR) is still available. It’s now obvious that Franco Morbidelli will be riding it. But on Thursday in Barcelona, he had no intention of talking about it.

The vacancies are filling up. If we go by process of elimination, someone will get the remaining bikes, but this isn’t the time to say anything. There’s still nothing certain and clear,”  he replied to those who asked him about his future.

Franco chose not to express himself, even if his move to Ducati is on everyone’s lips. Faced with his silence, there is nothing else to talk about. Just like like Bezzecchi who chose to give up an official bike to stay on his current team.

Marco feels very good on that team. He has a nice group around him. l know those people well, and how they treat their riders. I’m not surprised he wanted to stay there,” Franco stated.

It seems that a team you can trust is worth more than an official bike.

That’s what Marco chose. I’m not in his head. We’re all different.” He didn’t want to take a position on this issue.

The only point he opened up a bit on was the Barcelona GP.

Last year, I had a nice Friday here. It wasn’t the same on Saturday and Sunday. During  the race, I was involved in an accident at the first corner, and I ended up last,”  he recalled.  “Fabio had been very competitive, and that gave the feeling that Yamaha can work well on this track. Let’s see if we can have better performance than in previous races. There’s a bit more trust.”

Quartararo, however, argued the opposite: the results achieved in past seasons mean nothing.

There are things you can take advantage of, but we surely race in the present and not in the past,”  Franco stated. “We know that everyone has made lots of progress. We’ll struggle, but I have more confidence. Like in Austria, Fabio managed to get into the Q2 in the last GP, and the race didn’t go badly. We’ll see. In the races where he had done well last year, we can be more confident. At least in those.”|


Translated by Leila Myftija

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