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MotoGP, Luca Marini: “We’re going in a dangerous direction”

Marini finished 5th in the Sprint Race at Mugello and pointed a finger at the Race Direction: “Miller pushed me and Marquez off track and didn’t receive a penalty. There’s no clarity in their decisions. At this rate, anyone can feel free to make maneuvers past the limit.”

MotoGP: Luca Marini: “We’re going in a dangerous direction”

Considering the still evident aftermath of the accident that occurred at the Le Mans GP, the 5th place that a stoic Luca Marini achieved in the Tissot Sprint at the Autodromo del Mugello can already be considered a partial success in itself. With direct access into the decisive Q2 in the morning, and a fourth box on the starting line-up (first removed for track limits and then reinstated), the VR46 rider competed (against all expectations) in a leading race this afternoon ,remaining for the most part, close to the group of best riders. Not bad given his precarious physical condition.

A super result. After yesterday, we didn't expect to finish in the top five today,” Marini said. “I’m happy with the work done, both with the team and with the physiotherapists who tried to alleviate the discomfort in my wrist. We managed to find the right compromise, even if my autonomy remains limited. As long as it’s about doing a single lap, like in qualifying, I’m fine. This morning, I gave it my all, because I don’t have much to give. The problem, however, is distance. In the last three laps of the sprint race, I started to struggle. I didn’t have enough strength to handle the bike. I hope to arrive in ideal shape tomorrow to better face the long race. It’s going to be tough. I’m going to try to keep up with the first riders and hold on until the end.”

Eleven laps all in one breath, during which an annoying drizzle risked compromising the strategies of the riders:

The rain made the race strange and more unpredictable. For a few laps, we raised the pace a lot and, consequently, there was a bit of chaos in some corners, especially at the first of the Arrabiatas, where the asphalt was wet. It was like being in a jungle. Probably, if we hadn’t slowed down, we could’ve recuperated on the pursuers. On the one hand, I hoped that it would pour, in entirely wet conditions. It would’ve been easier for me.

Like what happened on other occasions in the recent past, Marini has continued his tirade against the decisions of the Safety Commission, which he says are too inconsistent. 

I’m still perplexed. There’s no clarity on this. The feeling is that they eliminated last year’s stance, deliberating the contacts and doing everything possible until you make an opponent fall to the ground. Although I have nothing against him, I’ve noticed that Miller has been quite aggressive at times. He knocked me and Marc off track, causing us to lose ground. From my viewpoint, it’s impossible not to impose a penalty on him, at least make him lose a position. We’re going in a dangerous direction. At this rate, anyone can feel free to make maneuvers past the limit, and all they have to do is male sure no one falls.


Translated by Leila Myftija

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