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MotoGP, Morbidelli: “You learn from your mistakes ... I learned a lot in 2022”

“I’m looking for redemption this season. I finished with a good sensation. I miss getting on the podium. The Sprint Race? I don’t know what to expect, but an injury would be paid dearly.”

MotoGP: Morbidelli: “You learn from your mistakes ... I learned a lot in 2022”

Franco Morbidelli hopes that the new colors on his Yamaha will also mean the beginning of a new competitive life. 2022 wasn’t easy for him, as he struggled all season on the M1. The past is behind him, and it’s time to look to the future.

They say you learn from your mistakes, so I learned a lot last season,” Franco said. “I can’t wait to get back on the bike. Last year, I had to figure out the new bike and adapt to it. It took time but, at the end of the year, I had better sensations, and I want to bring them to this season.

Morbidelli knows he can’t make mistakes and has to aim high.

I’m looking for redemption this year,”  he continued. “I feel I’ve learned and worked well. It seems like everything is going in the right direction. I miss getting on the podium.”

So all he as to do now is put his good intentions to use.

Everything’s starting from scratch and anything is possible, so it’s an exciting prospect,” Morbido confirmed. “Doing a good job in the winter tests is important, in order to be ready for the start of the season.

During which an important change will be implemented with the introduction of the Sprint Race.

Physically and mentally, it’ll be different. An injury would be paid dearly. It’ll definitely be exciting for the fans. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ll have to experience it to find out. An extra race is something important. We’ll see what happens.


Translated by Leila Myftija

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