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MotoGP, Morbidelli: "Other manufacturers want me? It's nice, but I don't think about it"

"These are things that take away your concentration, I have to think about being a rider. My pace was similar to the best guys and I understood many things about the bike, I am satisfied"

MotoGP: Morbidelli:

The Malaysian tests are officially over, and it's time to draw conclusions. For his part Franco Morbidelli can be satisfied, despite today's 13th position, having shown some good performance over the three days, and having often been among the best on the track.

“The balance of the three days is positive - he explains - since I was quick on all three days. Today I didn’t use the qualifying tyre, but apart from that my pace has been good and similar to that of the best guys, that is Rins and Vinales, both yesterday and today".

The Roman from Tavullia focussed on the technical aspect, and with the usual calm that distinguishes him, analysed the work done.

“I tried a few things and adapted to the new bike. I collected a lot of data, which I hope I need in the tests in Qatar: I’m quite satisfied with the bike, I have to work on braking, but already now I can say that I am at a good stage. It is still early to say how confident I am with the bike, but I understood many things during these days."

Morbidelli could also be helped by the new tyres, which seem to be able to give a small advantage to Suzuki and Yamaha.

“I can't speak for the others, but I think the new tyres offer more grip, which is good for us. From a race perspective, it is difficult to say, because I didn’t do a race simulation, so I don't have the data."

Against this background there is always the rider market, in which Morbidelli remains an interesting catch for several teams. "It is better not to think about it because things like that take away your concentration. Knowing that other manufacturers are interested in me is nice, but I only have to think about being a rider."

Audio recording by Matteo Aglio


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