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MotoGP, Marquez triumphs, Ducati gifts Rossi the podium

Iannone takes out Dovizioso on the final lap, Pedrosa third, Lorenzo DNF

Marquez triumphs, Ducati gifts Rossi the podium

Tyres that fall apart, rain that ruins plans, bikes to change duing the race. This Argentinian Grand Prix could only be a thriller and that it was. While a number of riders went down, Marc Marquez proved to be a sure thing, confirming in the race what he'd already demonstrated throughout all the weekend's sessions. His Honda was unstoppable and he scored his first win of 2016. He did suffer a slip though, just as he was stepping onto the rostrum. Nothing serious though, and his smile speaks volumes: “It was a fantastic race – commented #93 – it wasn't easy considering the track conditions. We had no trouble with the bike swap, able to maintain the same pace right to the end. The tyre was great, maybe we need to improve in acceleration but we'll look at that in the next race”.

Rossi, on the other hand, was affected by the bike change, having been able to stick with Marquez in the first half of the race. Once back on track he had to deal with a Yamaha that didn't offer the right feeling, causing him to lose contact with the race leader. In the final stages, the two Ducatis pushed him back into fourth but contact between Iannone and Dovizioso on the final lap gifted Rossi an unexpected podium: “When I went back out on track I wasn't where I wanted to be – he stated - I was slow and lacking pace. Without the incident between the Ducatis I wouldn't have been in the top three, but I'm satisfied because the podium was the goal”. Third place for Daniel Pedrosa, ahead of Laverty and Barbera.

In Ducati the finger points at Iannone, guilty of taking Dovizioso out with an unnecessary manoeuvre: “An attack of that kind wasn't needed”, commented Paolo Ciabatti. Jorge Lorenzo also failed to finish, closing the South American weekend in the worst possible way after all the difficulties. The same outcome for Vinales who crashed out while fighting for the podium.  



Translated by Heather Watson

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